
Macvector reverse alignment
Macvector reverse alignment

MacVector can search for Amino Acid subsequences using a very similar approach to the Proteolytic Enzyme searching functionality. The results can be viewed in text or graphical format, with similar filtering options to those available for restriction enzyme searches. MacVector provides a reference file containing all of the currently known useful proteolytic enzymes and you can add your own using the built-in editor.

macvector reverse alignment

MacVector lets you scan a protein sequence for proteolytic enzyme cleavage sites in a similar way to searching DNA sequences for restriction sites. This output is designed so that you can copy the text and paste it into Microsoft Excel so that you can perform additional statistical analysis or combine plots for graphical display. In addition to the graphical display, the results can be viewed in tab-delimited text format. As with the DNA coding preference plots, you can zoom in to the residue level to closely examine interesting regions. The results can be viewed graphically using filled plots so that you can see at a glance if a protein is above or below the average for the displayed analysis. The available algorithms in the Protein Analysis Toolbox are:

macvector reverse alignment

All are accessed through a single Protein Profile Analysis dialog. These range from simple composition reports (counts of each amino acid, pI and molecular weight) to hydrophobicity, antigenicity and secondary structure predictions. MacVector provides a variety of algorithms that you can use to analyze the composition of protein sequences. In addition to the single sequence analyses present below, you can also align multiple proteins using ClustalW and scan databases for related proteins over the Internet or locally on your own file system. MacVector provides a wide range of tools for analyzing Protein sequences. Sequence Analysis Tools for Molecular Biologists

Macvector reverse alignment